We all knew it was coming, and now it’s here; the first of what is expected to be quite a few interest rate rises. With the rising cost of living already a major pain point for many, it’s hard not to wonder how much of a squeeze this will put on potential homeowners, and how it will impact property sale prices over the next 6-12 months.
With polls now open for early voting and election day in less than 2 weeks, the rise of the Independents shows no signs of slowing down.
Commentators have suggested that disillusionment with the two major parties is one of the factors fuelling Independent candidate popularity and with that in mind, it will be really interesting to see what the final outcome is.
Certainly, the issues of integrity in politics, climate change and the safety of women are a common focus amongst most of the independents and are also issues many voters want to see action on. Regardless of the final election result, progress in these areas would be welcomed by many.
Only two weeks to go until I join a stellar lineup of real estate experts to speak at the RISE 2022 conference in Melbourne, I’m looking forward to seeing many of you there in person and sharing insights and strategies on how we can effectively navigate our new normal. There are still some tickets available, and you can get yours here.
In case you missed last week’s Market insights for April 2022, Tim Lawless from CoreLogic and I talk about the impact of this rate rise, the slowing down of the rate of growth across capital cities, the diversity in both sales and rental markets, national stock levels and rental market performance. Some great insights to share with your team and your clients.
CEO, Real Estate Industry Partners
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CEO, Real Estate Industry Partners
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