With the traditional summer and early autumn sales peak behind us, we take a look at the twenty ‘hottest’ suburbs over that period. These were areas with most sales activity over the period and fetched a higher sales price premium over listing price coupled with least days on market.
Few surprises that New South Wales and Victoria led the way occupying sixteen of the top twenty spots. Both states continue to leverage auctions as a method of sale to a greater extent than the others with price premiums the strategic outcome. However, the two states were characterized differently. New South Wales displayed a tighter band of sales premiums in the range of 5-10% compared to Victoria which raised the bar as high as 14%. However, days on market is where New South Wales showed Victoria a clean pair of heels being entirely inside twenty-four days whereas Victoria was wholly on or above twenty-four days. Vendors in all these suburbs did well as a whole.
Queensland captured two spots while South Australia and Western Australia occupied one each. All these states were at the lower end of the sales premiums at around 5-6% however, their relative sales volumes also prevented greater representation in the list.