I think as leaders we’d all agree that when we aren’t feeling our best, we can’t do our best work. And of course, this also applies to the teams we surround ourselves with.
You may already be familiar with the Real Care App; a free mental health, wellness and performance app specifically designed for the real estate industry in conjunction with public health expert David Stanley.
The purpose of this fantastic resource is to ensure all real estate professionals have the tools required to proactively manage their mindset and resilience, enabling them to thrive at work, home and play.
Having recently undergone an update, the Real Care App now has added more tools to address both ‘Rapid Relief’ which can help you get big emotions under control quickly, and ‘Self Care’ to help align both your physical and mental wellbeing.
New – Rapid relief
These tools help users manage stress, anxiety, frustration, anger and the other big emotions we all feel at times.
More specifically, the app contains exercises to help you breathe more deeply, deal with overwhelming emotions, pause for a ‘reality check’ and release tension – delivering relief in just a few minutes.
New – Self care
These tools help users strengthen their resilience and improve their performance.
Included are insights into how sleep impacts performances and suggested areas to improve sleep habits, simple and cost effective everyday ‘reward strategies’, tools to help you reflect and reframe your thinking when you’re feeling panic, anger or overwhelm and easy ways to add more movement into your day – without having to get up at 5am!
Performance management
Having your head in a good place has a direct link to how you perform at work. The Real Care App lets you set, track and manage your performance both at work, and in your personal life.
Mental health support
With the help of the mental health experts, the Real Care app explains what good mental health looks like in your daily life and how emotions impact your mind and body.
It also offers access to mental health support resources and includes 3 free (and completely confidential) phone counselling sessions.
Unfortunately, research tells us that 80% of agents experience anxiety related to workload and 76% experience symptoms of burnout. 54% of property managers struggle with mental health and 53% say dealing with aggressive and abusive tenants or landlords is their greatest challenge.
As leaders, we all want what’s best for our teams – both in and out of work – so if you haven’t already, I highly recommend you download the Real Care App today and encourage your teams to do the same.
Visit the App Store or Google Play to download.
Until next time.
Stay connected,
Sadhana Smiles
CEO, Real Estate Industry Partners

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